4-Week Web Development Placement Mastery: The Beginner's Roadmap

4-Week Web Development Placement Mastery: The Beginner's Roadmap

Here’s a clear and structured table for your 4-Week Web Development Placement Plan:

WeekFocus AreaTopics & TasksPractice & ProjectsResources
Week 1Frontend MasteryHTML, CSS, Flexbox, Grid, Git & GitHubBuild a portfolio websiteMDN Docs
JavaScript (ES6+), DOM, Promises, Async/AwaitTo-Do List App in JavaScriptJavaScript.info
React Basics (Components, Props, State, Hooks)Weather App using React & OpenWeather APIReact Docs
Week 2Backend & DatabasesNode.js, Express.js (Routing, Middleware, REST API)Notes API with Express.jsExpress.js Docs
Databases (SQL, MongoDB, Mongoose ORM)User Authentication System (JWT + bcrypt)MongoDB Docs
Full-Stack Project: MERN Stack Blog WebsiteBuild & Deploy a Blog WebsiteMERN Guide
Week 3DSA & System DesignArrays, Strings, Hashmaps, Graphs, DPSolve 5-10 DSA problems dailyNeetCode
System Design Basics (Scaling, Caching, Load Balancing)Design a URL Shortener like Bit.lySystem Design Primer
Week 4Resume, Interviews & OptimizationResume & GitHub Optimization, LinkedIn ProfileCreate a strong resume & improve portfolio SEOGitHub Profile Generator
Mock Interviews (Technical & HR)Mock System Design + HR QuestionsPramp
Final Mock Placement TestOnline Test + Web Dev MCQsHackerrank

This table breaks down your 4-week preparation into structured tasks and projects so you stay on track. 🚀

Week 1: Master the Fundamentals

🎯 Goals: Revise core web technologies, Git, and JavaScript concepts.

🔹 Day 1-2: HTML, CSS, and Git Basics

📌 Topics to Cover:

  • Semantic HTML (MDN Docs)

  • CSS Flexbox & Grid

  • Responsive Design (Media Queries)

  • CSS Frameworks (Bootstrap/Tailwind)

  • Git Basics: Clone, Commit, Push, Pull Requests

📌 Practice:

  • Convert a Figma design into a webpage.

  • Create a personal portfolio site (HTML, CSS).

🔗 Resources:

🔹 Day 3-4: Deep Dive into JavaScript

📌 Topics to Cover:

  • ES6+ Features (let/const, arrow functions, template literals)

  • DOM Manipulation, Event Listeners

  • Promises, Async/Await, Callbacks

  • Closures, Hoisting, Prototypes

📌 Practice:

  • Build a To-Do List App using JavaScript

  • Solve 5-10 JS-based DSA problems (LeetCode, CodeWars)

🔗 Resources:

🔹 Day 5-7: React Basics & Version Control

📌 Topics to Cover:

  • React Components, Props, State

  • JSX, Hooks (useState, useEffect)

  • React Router (Navigation)

  • GitHub Best Practices (README, Issues, PRs)

📌 Practice:

  • Build a Weather App using React & OpenWeather API

  • Deploy it on Vercel/Netlify

🔗 Resources:

Week 2: Backend & Databases

🎯 Goals: Learn backend development (Node.js, Express.js) & databases.

🔹 Day 8-9: Node.js & Express.js

📌 Topics to Cover:

  • Node.js Basics, NPM Packages

  • Express.js - Routing, Middleware, REST API

  • CRUD Operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete)

📌 Practice:

  • Build a Notes API with Express.js & JSON Placeholder

  • Postman for API Testing

🔗 Resources:

🔹 Day 10-11: Database - SQL & NoSQL

📌 Topics to Cover:

  • SQL (MySQL/PostgreSQL): Joins, Indexing

  • NoSQL (MongoDB): Documents, Aggregation

  • ORM: Mongoose for MongoDB

📌 Practice:

  • Connect MongoDB Atlas with Node.js

  • Create a User Authentication System (JWT + bcrypt)

🔗 Resources:

🔹 Day 12-14: Full-Stack Project

📌 Project:
🔥 Build a Blog Website (MERN Stack)

  • Frontend: React + Tailwind CSS

  • Backend: Node.js + Express.js

  • Database: MongoDB (Mongoose)

  • Authentication: JWT + bcrypt

🔗 Resources:

Week 3: DSA & System Design for Interviews

🎯 Goals: Improve problem-solving skills & learn scalable web architecture.

🔹 Day 15-18: DSA Focus (Leetcode & CodeChef)

📌 Topics to Master:

  • Arrays & Strings (Sliding Window, Two Pointers)

  • Recursion & Backtracking

  • Hashmaps, Heaps & Priority Queues

  • Graphs & Trees (for tech giants)

📌 Practice:
Solve 3-5 problems daily on LeetCode, CodeChef, or GeeksforGeeks

🔗 Resources:

🔹 Day 19-21: System Design & Optimization

📌 Topics to Cover:

  • Load Balancing, Caching, CDN

  • Database Indexing, Sharding

  • Scalable Web Architecture

📌 Mock Design Task:

  • "Design a URL Shortener like Bit.ly"

  • "How to scale a social media app?"

🔗 Resources:

Week 4: Resume, Mock Interviews & Final Touch

🎯 Goals: Prepare for real interviews & refine your resume.

🔹 Day 22-23: Resume & Portfolio Building

📌 Tasks:

  • Write a 1-page technical resume (include projects & skills).

  • Create a GitHub README profile showcasing your projects.

  • Improve LinkedIn profile & SEO for your portfolio.

🔗 Resources:

🔹 Day 24-25: Mock Interviews (Technical + HR)

📌 Practice:

  • Technical Round: DSA + Web Dev + System Design Questions

  • HR Round: STAR Method for behavior questions

🔗 Platforms:

🔹 Day 26-27: Revise & Optimize Your Portfolio

📌 Tasks:

  • Refactor code for better performance & readability.

  • Add unit tests & improve documentation for projects.

  • Deploy the final version of your portfolio.

🔹 Day 28: Final Mock Placement Test

  • DSA Test + Web Dev Questions + HR Round

🔗 Test Websites:

🎯 Final Outcomes After 4 Weeks:

Full-Stack Project Deployed
DSA Confidence with 50+ Solved Problems
Resume + Portfolio Ready
Mock Interviews Attempted

🚀 You’re ready for on-campus recruitment! 🎉